Frequent questions

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are "physiological bacteria" that are beneficial to our well-being. They are live microorganisms naturally present in our intestines that, when introduced as supplements, help defend the intestinal mucosa from pathogenic bacteria, produce vitamins and other useful molecules, and improve colon function.

Are there different probiotics?

Yes, probiotic bacteria are divided into different groups, among which "Lactobacilli" and "Bifidobacteria" are the most common. These groups are also subdivided into strains, such as "Lactobacillus acidophilus und bulgaricus" and "Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium casei, Bifidobacterium longum, paracasei, rhamnus, infantis, etc.

How are probiotic products formulated?

More than 400 different bacterial strains are present in the intestine, so researchers agree that probiotics can only be effective if a number of stipulations are met. The probiotic bacteria must be able to pass through the attack of acidic gastric juices and bile unharmed, in order to reach the intestine to carry out their action. There are many techniques for protecting probiotics, but much of their ability lies in the selected bacteria and their inherent characteristics.

What action do probiotics perform?

Stress resulting from modern life, seasonal illnesses, a diet low in nutrients, alcohol, or excessive food hygiene can lead to imbalances in the intestinal flora, thus opening the door to harmful bacteria. Probiotic bacteria are able to restore balance in the body and nest on the intestinal walls by stimulating the production of T cells, the cells of the immune system. They also directly counteract harmful, disease-causing bacteria.

Why is gut flora important?

The surface area of the intestine reaches the size of two tennis courts and is 200 times larger than the surface area of the skin. More bacteria live in the intestines than people on earth. In the healthy gut all bacteria live in balance -- both probiotic bacteria and harmful bacteria. This is the ideal situation for the health of the whole body. The gut is the largest and most important organ of the human immune system, and with the help of probiotics the walls of the gut produce immune system cells that can block the attacks of pathogenic bacteria.

Why is it important to have formulations with a high concentration of Lactic Ferments?/ Why are there so many lactic ferments in Flormidabil?

When we tally up the diverse cell types constituting the human body, we can find that, in contrast to the roughly 10 trillion cells making up our anatomy, we harbor approximately 100 trillion bacterial cells, mostly located in the digestive tract. This set of bacteria is referred to as the "human microbiome" and encompasses microorganisms that, in a physiological sense, coexist symbiotically with our bodies.
In instances of various disruptions (stress, eating disorders, illnesses, or antibiotic treatments leading to diarrheal conditions), a beneficial recourse is the consumption of probiotics (milk probiotics).
These probiotics, upon reaching the intestine in a live state, colonize it and counteract the proliferation of potentially harmful bacterial species.
The effectiveness of this process is heightened when employing a well-balanced combination of probiotics designed to colonize the entire digestive tract and administered at a high concentration. This heightened probability of success is attributed to the substantial number of bacterial cells within our bodies (100 trillion). In short, “MORE IS BETTER."

Are prebiotics different from probiotics?

Prebiotics are non-digestible food components that act as food for probiotic bacteria in the gut and promote their growth and function. Supplements containing probiotics and prebiotics are called symbiotics.

How can lactic ferments be lactose-free?

The term lactic ferment can be misleading: in fact, these bacteria are capable of metabolizing lactose, the most abundant sugar in milk, but they are of human origin. To rule out the presence of lactose, each batch of finished product is regularly analyzed.

Do they work against halitosis?

Flormidabìl formulas have not been tested on halitosis, which may be generated by different factors. By rebalancing intestinal flora, however, it is not excluded that Flormidabìl may indirectly produce benefits on some types of halitosis.

Do these products cater to Vegetarian or Vegan diets?

FlorMidabìl is the dietary supplement for balancing intestinal flora. Flormidabìl Daily, Recharge, Ultra and Stop are suitable for Vegan and Vegetarian diets.

Is it indicated for constipation?

Along with a healthy lifestyle and proper diet, FlorMidabìl helps precisely those seeking constant intestinal balance. FlorMidabìl can be useful in an integrated strategy aimed at solving the problem along with proper hydration, fiber intake and moderate, regular exercise. It is a formula that gives you up to 100 billion live Lactic Ferments in 4 clinically proven strains (including Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli).

Does stress alter the gut flora?

The balance of gut flora can be altered by factors such as stress, eating disorders, diseases (e.g., the flu) or trips with climatic and hygienic changes. And it is precisely in the presence of these sometimes frequent alterations that taking probiotics is a valuable aid, because they reach the gut alive, colonize it and counteract the proliferation of other potentially harmful bacterial species.

Is it indicated against bloating?

Abdominal bloating can be caused by multiple factors: a diet based on fermenting foods (sugars, sweeteners, milk, etc.) or too high in fiber, possible food intolerances, a psycho-somatic component, increased ingestion of air during a hurried meal. A good strategy is to remove all potential causes and rule out any pathologies, since the intestinal production of a certain amount of gas is physiological. Rebalancing the bacterial flora with probiotics can assist in restoring intestinal regularity, and thus contribute to overall well-being.

Can they be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding?

Flormidabil Daily, Recharge, Ultra, and Stop can be taken during pregnancy and while breastfeeding to rebalance the intestinal flora, after consulting a doctor.

Should FlorMidabìl be stored in the fridge?

Flormidabìl does not need to be stored in a fridge. It is necessary to store Flormidabìl at a temperature below 25°C, avoid exposure to localized heat sources and sunlight, and keep it away from moisture.